Much consideration is given to the questions that we ask God. But what about the questions He asked us? Formulated in the mind of the Son of God, these 151 questions must be answerable and of inestimable value as well. A daily devotional read.
More important than the questions we ask Him are the questions He asked us. Mark 11 implies that He may answer our questions, but only after we answer His. This great devotional book and study source revisits and offers new perspectives on some of the most familiar Scriptures in the world, the questions in red letters, the questions of Jesus. There are 151 questions, formulated in the mind of the Son of God, recorded in the Scriptures. This book explores them all. The Gospels will never be the same! His questions will challenge us … the answers will change us.
Also available in audio.
chris –
CO: I want to let you know [The Questions of Jesus] book is very nice. It’s one of the best presentations I have come across, a fine work…find it very refreshing, candid and truthful. It is captivating to see actual truth revealed, applied and brought forward in the ideas. We have grown very weary of Alice in Wonderland. Again thank you for seeking and listening to truth. The illusion dissipates as fog when it is rejected, satan does flee.
chris –
NM: I must confess that I was a bit skeptical when you gave [The Questions of Jesus Book] to me. You were a stranger from the middle of nowhere with a self published book on the bible–ya right–likely a quack. Experience has taught me to be wary. I stuck the book on my bookshelf with the thought that I would preview it and toss it later. Well, I have previewed the book, at least the first thirty-five questions, and I am ashamed of myself for judging a book by it’s cover–so to speak. I have been both convicted and encouraged by your insight into scripture and your ability to succinctly address the issues we all face as followers of Christ.
I can get discouraged with the apathy I see in the “church” and partially so because I struggle with the same apathy in my own life. Your book has been an encouragement to me–Thank you! We have been discussing some of the topics you address during our family devotions and it has sparked lively discussion–a good thing!